Feb 20, 2011

Fun R.S.V.P. Wording?

In my last post I showed you our at home reception invitations I have started working on. They are coming along great (wait until you see them!) but I am stuck on the R.S.V.P. wording. The traditional styles of wordings are just not the fun atmosphere we want this party to be. I have seen a few really fun styles that I L-O-V-E!

One of the first ones I fell for was Mrs. Nacho's:

When I read her post I LOL'ed. I love the personalized nature of the choices. "Better than a Saturday night at Denny's" - awesome.

Of course there is also the ever popular mad libs wording:

I like this but how many of our guests have never even heard of mad libs? I know that some of my aunts and uncle would be a bit confused. That search though let me to find the Be There With Bells On wording:

I really do love this but once again I am worried about confusing guests.

Or I could ditch all those ideas and go with a traditional yes/no style but add some fun wording (ala Mrs. Sand Dollar).

GAHHH! There are just so many options I am not sure what to go with. I want them to be unique without confusing everyone or being seen as overly silly.

If you were a guests which style would you like to see?

Simple But Fun (ala Mrs. Sand Dollar)
Mad Lib Style
"Be There With Bells On"
Totally Unique (ala Mrs. Nacho's)