While us girls were getting some pictures taken, the guys were over at the White Sands lobby with our guests waiting for the vans to arrive to take them to Al Cielo.

They spent a bit of time talking and joking as is the way with our families when they get together.
As everyone was standing there, I think it really hit Nonni that her first grandchild was about to get married. Mr. Meerkat is the first of the grandkids in his family to get married, so I know this was a big moment for Nonni.

After the guys and some of our guests were well on their way to Al Cielo, us girls headed towards the Royal lobby to grab a golf cart so we could quickly get to the White Sands lobby to meet the van. (Yea the resort is really that big that is has more than one lobby.)
Of course I had my "I'm the boss" hat on and was the leading the way into the lobby. I was so lost in thought that I got a pretty good distance ahead of everyone before I realized it and turned about to see them all smiling at me.
When the golf cart arrived we all piled in. I got the privilege of sitting in the front. I think it's because my dress took up so much room. ;)
We got to the White Sands lobby just as our van was pulling up. Talk about great timing.
After a very short and hilarious (more to come on that later) drive we arrive at Al Cielo. I have to tell you that getting into a van with my dress was WAY easier than getting out of it. Mama-In-Law Meerkat had to help me get my big ol' dress out of the van and up to the entrance otherwise it might have been a full on Meerkat face plant into the driveway.
And as everyone stepped through the entrance and out to the beach, here is what they saw:
Breathtaking, isn't it?
Up Next: A Surprise For Mr. Meerkat
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