Well hey there Hive! I am so sorry I have been absent around these parts. After our second reception in June things got even busier than before and it left me with little time for all the things I love which unfortunetly included blogging. But things have started to slow down so I am back and determined to start posting regularly again.
When I last left off I was getting ready to tell you about one of the most amazing experiences of our wedding - our trash the dress session!! Ok, so really it was more like a wash the dress session since I only got my dress wet but none the less it was AH-MAZ-ING.
So on a sunny Thursday afternoon Rachel, Paul, Jonathan and Sesan arrived at our hotel with video and photography equipment in hand to take us on a little adventure. Our first stop was a cenote just a few minute down the road from the hotel. Rachel was able to arrange with the property owner to have a quiet hour to ourselves at the cenote for the trash the dress session.
As we continued down the path and came around the last bend, we got our first glimpse of the cenote.
I am not even sure I can put into words how beautiful the cenote was. It was so natural. One of those few places in the world that progress has left untouched. I could have stayed there all day.
While I stood there awestruck by the beauty, Rachel started scoping out the area for great shots. It didn't take her long to move me into position in the water.
Rachel kept having Mr. Meerkat stand in front of me but just out of the camera's line of sight. I think she could see that we were a bit confused so she told us that it was because when I looked at Mr. Meerkat my smile got bigger and my face just lit up. *grin* Yea, Rachel is a quick study, that's for sure.
Next she had Mr. Meerkat take off his shoes, roll up his pants and join me in the water.
Since we didn't want to get completely soaked before heading to the beach, we moved to take shots on the edge of the cenote.
Then is was time for a solo shot of little old me. I hardly ever like photos of myself but these I LOVE!
Next we moved up into the roots system that extended down and around the edges of the cenote.
Rachel and Jonathan even grabbed a couple more shots of me solo in the root system.
And then before I knew it, our hour at the cenote was up and it was time to make our way back up the path towards the van.
We did stop for a couple other shots along the way though.
And with a quick goodbye to our four legged friend, we were off to the beach.

Days Before Wedding
- We Arrive In Mexico
- Out Of Town Bags
- Fun In Mexico
- Our Best Man Goes Missing
- A Dress Fiasco and Rehearsal Dinner
Getting Ready
- Our Fairy Godmothers (aka Getting Ready)
- Time To Put The Dress On
- The Guys Get Ready
- The Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue I Didn't Plan
- Just A Few Pictures With My Girls
- Get Me To The Beach
- A Gift For Mr. Meerkat
- A Beach Processional
- Our Love Story Ceremony
- Our Sand Ceremony
- Vows, Rings and Hands
- Ceremony Conclusion
Cocktail Hour and Portraits
- Hugs, Kisses and Congratulations
- Mix and Mingle - Our Cocktail Hour
- "Tell Us A Story" Guestbook
- Family and Bridal Party Portraits
- Bride and Groom Portraits Part 1 & Part 2
The Reception