Aug 7, 2014

Kalamazoo Robotics Organization - We're Live!

It's been a long time coming but our non-profit has a new name. We are now officially called the Kalamazoo Robotics Organization!

As our number of robotics teams has expanded so has the reach of our non-profit that we run the teams under. In order to help get our name out there and connect with sponsors, we needed to create a cohesive brand that people will be able to recognize us by.

When we first started the non-profit back in college we had one team, the Blue Cheesy Flamingos. We didn't think about the future and titled the organization with the words FIRST LEGO League in it. This hasn't been very helpful with our growth or when sponsors research our non-profit. So I spent the last few months filing paper work with the IRS and jumping through the needed hoops. After month of waiting we got our letter this week saying the name change is official.

In preparation I have been preparing a new website:

And also creating Facebook pages for our different teams (FLL, FTC, JrFLL) along with a page for our new organization:

Hop on over and take a look at our pages and let me know what you think.

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